It does you no good to hire a great Criminal Tax Attorney – if you have a Drug or Healthcare Case.

Hello, and thank you for tuning into the Sixth in my New Video series, INDICTED AND FACING PRISON: NOW WHAT?

My name is Marc Blatstein. In 2006, I was Indicted, pled guilty to a felony, and lost my medical license. To call this a surreal experience is an understatement.

  • My goal in this series is to provide you with the crucial information you’ll need to survive and navigate these. I’ll cover a new topic every day so that you can move forward with the Knowledge, Preparation, and Confidence you’ll need to get the best outcome.
  • Since you know that the DOJ and Feds have been asking questions, their case against you is mostly complete. And, with a 98% Conviction Rate the odds are you’re going to prison.
  • Knowledge is power, and now it’s in your hands. Delaying to take the next step is at your peril. The consequences of inaction can be
  • Equally important is hiring a legal team that doesn’t just have experience but a proven track record of successfully defending cases like yours.
  • Your future is at stake, and making the right choices now is crucial.

It’s important to ask questions to see if you are a good fit for each other. It’s important to learn if,

  • The attorney practices federal criminal defense in a federal court,
  • Has experience in cases like yours and
  • You should check to see if they have a disciplinary problem with their state bar, but this is not a deal breaker.

Also, do they have a proven track record of

  • Handling cases like yours?
  • Will you be willing to provide several current or past clients for them to speak with to ease some of their concerns and
  • Read several sentencing memorandums (Appendix_A-2) for cases like
    1. If they mention HIPPA, agree, but Adobe allows for redacting all personal information and works better than a black

If you’re already at this point and don’t have the time to wait for my future videos, call me, and we can discuss your situation one-on-one. Once again, my number is 240.888.7778.


  • Potential clients should know if the charges will be hourly or flat fees and if payment schedule options.
  • If you want to go to trial (FYI: just feeling your right is insufficient), I give you FTX Sam Bankman-Fried and Elizabeth Holmes. Then, the client should not forget that the DOJ has a 98% conviction rate. Do not alienate the same court that later, will have to sentence you.
  • Further strategic questions from them could be:
    • how many trials and appeals (or what “%”) have they won, out of how many cases, over the past 3-7 years?
    • The defendants should know that, like SBF, there should be no Witness Tampering – Don’t Anger The Court before they ever meet you, as that’s playing Russian Roulette with your life. SBF has 25 years.
    • They may be interested in your current caseload or how busy you are (considering that a single attorney with a small staff could support 2 or 3 criminal trials per year, working full time).
    • While not yet law, is your attorney familiar with the Fairness in Restitution (FIR) Act? If you anticipate owing Restitution, consider requesting that the Government:
      1. Show actual loss sustained by a victim as a direct and proximate result of the defendant’s actions,
      2. Eliminate joint liability and ensure that defendants are only responsible for financial losses they themselves caused,
      3. Provide a right to an evidential hearing for proving or disproving the amounts included in a restitution order,
      4. Request to change the statutory period of liability from 20 years to 10 years and prevent
    • When do they believe that you should begin preparing for your Presentence Interview – ASAP
    • Do they believe in the importance of a well-written NARRATIVE and Release Plan?
    • When do they believe you should begin asking for Character Reference Letters?

To engage my services or to have your concerns answered, call me today at 240.888.7778. This is my Cell phone number; I personally answer and return all calls.