MORE THAN WHISPERS – You’re Target #1, The FBI’s Coming

You’re Target #1, The FBI’s Coming It’s MORE THAN WHISPERS  You’re Going to  Prison, – There is no way to Dress this up – BUT If the Rumors and whispers that the FBI is poking around are true… I’d take that seriously HELLO AND WELCOME, MY NAME IS MARC BLATSTEIN AND I AM THE PHYSICIAN WHO […]

You’re the FBI Target

You’re the FBI Target 5 Areas You Must Advocate For Yourself   PREPARATION = SURVIVAL If You Suspect You’re The Target of a Federal Investigation | Before The Presentence Interview (PSI) | After The PSI – But Before The Sentencing Hearing | After Sentencing or You’re Already Incarcerated | There Are Still Things We Can […]

Indicted and Facing Prison? Now is Not the Time to Give Up.

If you have received a Target Letter or hear rumors that the FBI is asking questions, do Not Wait To Get legal representation. This happened to me, and I initially thought, “This is crazy,” but it’s not. By the time you find out, you are the last one to know, as the DOJ’s case is 98% complete. […]

Release Plan

Judge Rice will often ask a defendant what he is going to do upon release from prison to determine whether the offender is likely to reoffend. “I often engage a defendant in allocution so I can hear more about (them).” Are You Ready to Answer Your Judge’s Question? Do You Know What You’ll Say? Release […]

Hiring a Lawyer

My Comment: If you know you’re guilty or will have to Plea, don’t waste your money on your attorney’s “Discovery” fees. If you’re willing to provide in your NARRATIVE your story where you accept responsibility while expressing remorse for the victims you’ve harmed, providing this 1-2 weeks before your Presentence Interview is the smartest thing you […]


This is your chance to speak directly with the judge, an essential moment in your hearing. Judges are “…looking for remorse and insight as to why you did what you did and what are you doing to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.” I hope you find this video helpful. By now, the judge has already read […]

PreSentence Interview Preparation

Your pre-sentence report (PSR) is the “referral” that controls all aspects of your life and immediate future. The importance of accuracy and completeness cannot be overstated.


Through my story, I explain why finding the right attorney for you is important. Preparation and knowledge of what you are about to do could still result in a positive outcome and returning home to your family sooner.