Former Missouri Health Care Charity Executives Plead Guilty to Multimillion-Dollar Bribery and Embezzlement Scheme

Preferred Family Healthcare Inc., was a charity that provided services across Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Illinois, including mental and behavioral health treatment and counseling, substance abuse treatment and counseling, employment assistance, aid to individuals with developmental disabilities, and medical services. Conspiracy
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Dobbs Non Medical, Legislator – Directed Patient Care

Doctor, ‘Patient-Care’ – Out Non-Medical, ‘Legislator-Care’ – In Today, Families and Their Physicians are faced with impossible choices. Physicians. Recently, some states have enacted Legislator-Directed Patient Care that conflicts with the doctor-patient ethical relationship and the oath to do no harm. Since
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Thomas Court Denies Women The Right To Choose…

Photo Credit: REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst The Thomas Court – Denying Women The ‘Freedom To Choose’ Their Medical Reproductive Healthcare Justice Thomas’s Message, Next: contraception, same-sex marriage… Inside the Court’s ruling, Justice Thomas wrote that “in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive
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BOP Psychology Programs

BOP Psychology Programs If your client has replied ‘Yes’ to the questions (I- IX) below, one of these 9 BOP Psychology Programs may provide the best placement option for your client. RDAP eligibility and an overview are covered in section VIII. I)
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Probation Officers | Federal | The PSR

Probation Officers Representing The Court: They Conduct The Presentence Interview, This is critical – as from it they prepare Your Presentence Report (PSR), Which acts as your “referral” to The Federal Bureau of Prisons for everything >< For a No Obligation Free Consult Call
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BOP Challenge Program

Photo Credit: The Marshall Project BOP Challenge Program Addresses Mental Illness Disorders The BOP Challenge Program focuses on Is Part of The First Step Act Mental illness/ Psychotic disorders and Should be included in a complete PSR, Will affect your client’s prison
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BOP BRAVE Program – For Those New To Federal Prison

BOP BRAVE Program  A part of The First Step Act – Admission Criteria A 6-month program designed to facilitate favorable initial adjustment to incarceration – for young males new to federal prison, serving their first sentence in a medium facility.  Photo Credit: The
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