Trump Administration Ready to Restart Families, with Children, Immigrant Detention and Deportation.

Private prison companies are seizing the opportunity presented by the Trump administration’s urgent need for more detention cells. CoreCivic’s CEO has declared this period to be one of the most promising in the company’s history, projecting substantial growth as ICE prepares to increase the number of individuals it detains. Early in his presidency, Trump took decisive action to reinstate contracts with private prison corporations, which Biden had canceled.

The reliance on private detention for immigration has continued unabated across administrations, with Biden laying crucial groundwork for Trump’s aggressive mass deportation strategies. Furthermore, reports confirm that the Trump administration is poised to restart family immigrant detention, even involving young children, and is actively seeking bids from private companies for these contracts, as stated by NBC News.

Trump Vowed While Campaigning to Deport a Historic Number of Violent People? These are families, not criminals.

And while Trump’s focus so far has been on undocumented immigrants, his criminalization efforts extend to U.S. citizens, too. 


Letter from Attorney General Pamela Bondi to the State of California, February 25, 2025. This addresses girls competing against boys in sports and athletic events violates Title IX of Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972. Left out is that the Dept. of Education has been decimated.


Letter from Attorney General Pamela Bondi to the State of Maine, February 25, 2025. A similar letter to the above.


Letter from Attorney General Pamela Bondi to the State of Minnesota, February 25, 2025. A similar letter to the above.


Eliminating Internal Discriminatory Practices, February 5, 2025. Executive Order, Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity, policies relating to “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) and “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” (DEIA) “violates the text and spirit of our longstanding Federal civil rights laws.”


Ending Illegal DEI and DEIA Discrimination and Preferences, February 5, 2025. I. Ending Illegal DEI and DEIA Discrimination and Preferences,  II. Guidance to Institutions Receiving Federal Funds.


Establishment of Joint Task Force October 7, February 5, 2025. Bondi is set to target pro-Palestinian protesters. Her new Joint Task Force, announced on October 7, will prosecute federal crimes by Hamas supporters, including on college campuses. Students have protested Israel’s actions against Palestinians, funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars. Activists are wrongly accused of supporting Hamas or being anti-Semitic, even as many protesters are Jewish.

  • Jonah Rubin, senior manager of campus organizing for Jewish Voice for Peace, told The Appeal that Bondi’s memo reflects a far-right agenda to silence pro-Palestine and social justice activism, using anti-Semitism and terrorism laws as a cover. “It’s particularly galling that this repression is framed as ensuring Jewish safety,” he said. “Jewish safety has never come from such authoritarian measures.”


General Policy Regarding Charging, Plea Negotiations, and Sentencing, February 5, 2025. prosecutors should charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense. The most serious offenses are those punishable by death or those with the most significant mandatory minimum sentences (including under the Armed Career Criminal Act and 21 U.S.C. § 851) and the most substantial recommendation under the Sentencing Guidelines. 

  • Singling out undocumented immigrants for capital charges appears unconstitutional, said Federal Public Defender Geremy Kamens. “It’s essentially saying, ‘We’re going to seek the death penalty based on national origin,’” he told The Appeal. “That violates the Constitution.”


General Policy Regarding Zealous Advocacy on Behalf of the United States, February 5, 2025. , but also vigorously defending presidential policies and actions against legal challenges on behalf of the United States. Does this infer that the DOJ is acting as the President’s attorney?


Reinstating the Prohibition on Improper Guidance Documents, February 5, 2025


Reinstating the Prohibition on Improper Third-Party Settlements, February 5, 2025.?


Rescinding Environmental Justice Memorandum, February 5, 2025.?


Restoring a Measure of Justice to the Families of Victims of Commuted Murderers, February 5, 2025. Second, the relevant U.S. Attorney’s Offices are directed to assist local prosecutors in pursuing death sentences under state law against the 37 commuted inmates after consultation with the victims’ families and other interested parties.


Restoring the Integrity and Credibility of the Department of Justice, February 5, 2025. Insulting – Just My Opinion.


Return to Full-Time In-Person Work at the Department of Justice on February 5, 2025.


Reviving the Federal Death Penalty and Lifting the Moratorium on Federal Executions, February 5, 2025.


Sanctuary Jurisdiction Directives, February 5, 2025. ?


Total Elimination of Cartels and Transnational Criminal Organizations, February 5, 2025.

DT Campaigned On Deporting Hardened Criminals, But Going After Kids and Moms Isn’t That.

The Trump administration is considering using Defense Department funding to hire contractors, potentially increasing immigrant arrests and deportations in the U.S. This raises concerns for many families affected by these policies. The contracts would enable civilian companies to quickly expand temporary detention facilities, ensuring adequate staffing and transportation between arrest locations and detention areas. 

Unfortunately, this could also lead to more airplanes and personnel for deportations, further increasing the human toll.

It could be a rough three years.