COVID-19; as we approach the Holidays and 2022, there are signs of hope!

Photo Credit, CDC, 8-24-2021

This is just an opinion of the author. While COVID-19 and its variants appear here to stay, the unvaccinated are the most likely to be facing its more serious side.

While it is true, that even with being vaccinated you may develop symptoms and test positive for COVID, it is not likely that you will be facing hospitalization and fatal disease.

For years, when we have had the flu, if it was bad enough and caught early, Tamiflu, an oral pill started within 48 hours of symptoms, shortened its duration. Reviewing my previous newsletter,

  1. A New Classification Of COVID Drugs are about to see the light of day and “Are a Bigger Deal Than People Realize”; Antivirals (“holy grail”):

Available in oral pill form, like Tamiflu, these antivirals can be taken within days of a positive COVID diagnosis. They could be made easily available to both those incarcerated as well as in the general population. Taken at home over approximately 7 days, they work to shorten the course of the disease, obviating the need for hospitalizations. A very big deal for the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, but they do not take the place of vaccines.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral oral pil‘Paxlovid’, Near 90% protective against hospitalization, and death and retains its effectiveness against Omicron, December 14, 2021 (Reuters). Pfizer said it would grant a license for their antiviral pill to the Geneva-based Medicines Patent Pool, which would let generic drug companies produce the pill for use in 95 countries.

Merck’s Molnupiravir, while < 50% effective, is allowing generic drug makers royalty-free license to manufacture its oral COVID-19 antiviral pill. The FDA advisory committee narrowly voted in favor of a EUA, 13-10, but even those who voted yes acknowledged the modest efficacy and safety concerns.

Further, a loose alliance of big pharma companies including Gilead, Novartis, Schrödinger, Takeda Pharmaceutical, and WuXi AppTec, all have formed to share ideas, resources, and data to develop custom pan-coronavirus antivirals. The overarching goal is for the scientific community to come up with a solution to this—or the next—pandemic.

2. GlaxoSmithKline and Vir’s “Sotrovimab (on the BOP Formulary), “is the first monoclonal antibody to record demonstrated activity against all” (SARS CoV-2 which developed into) COVID-19, then mutating into its “variants of concern and interest to date, including omicron”.

Masks (N95) along with others, recommended by the CDC offer protection against all variants. Yes, while none of us want to wear them, and ‘this COVID thing’ is getting old, any one of us does not want to take the chance of dying.

IV) Definitions:

Pandemic: when diseases spread rapidly, crossing country’s borders, globally

Endemic: when the spreading is more localized, like the flu.


I believe that the responsibility for a client’s Mental and Physical Health should be safeguarded to protect them from themselves and others, …while providing a safe environment for the duration of their incarceration. Ultimately this is the responsibility of the Court, Defense Team, and BOP.

If this was helpful, please share it with your colleagues. With more to follow, should you have any questions, are interested in engaging my services, or have any ideas for future topics, I am easy to reach, and thank you for your time.

Wishing you and your families a safe and healthy Holiday Season and New Year


Dr. Blatstein

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Plus a 50+ minute PowerPoint (which time-wise, can be adjusted to meet your needs), for groups, some of the topics covered:

  • Medical History
  • Medication Availability
  • Dementia Wing- 1 Facility, 35 beds
  • Security Level / Public Safety Factors
  • Medical and Mental Healthcare, CARE LEVEL I-IV
  • Psychology Programs Availability (Security Level Specific)
  • Military Veteran-1 facility with 1 wing, Veterans Train Service Guide Dogs for Other Vets With PTSD  or other disabilities

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