SEX OFFENDER SAFETY – PART OF YOUR SENTENCING CALCULATION It is important for the court to consider your client’s, (sex offender) safety, by requesting the court grant initial placement into a Sex Offender Management Program (SOMP), while waiting for your client’s voluntary
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Post-COVID Virus Causes Lingering or Ongoing Symptoms

The complicated care required for Post-COVID Long-Haulers is likely beyond the mission of most (if not all) prisons, jails, and detention centers. According to researchers, this is still an active area of investigation. As we are approaching spring/fall 2022/2023, the Post-COVID Pandemic
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POST – COVID, A PHYSICIAN’S JOURNEY Post – COVID a physician’s journey in the summer of 2020 working on both general medical and COVID-positive wards. But by November of that year, the U.K. was in its second wave and second lockdown, with
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COVID In Prison

Omicron, B.1.1.529- Fears Of Catching COVID In Prison When I first started writing on Omicron, B.1.1.529 (a variant of COVID-19), it was back in January 2022, At the time we have watched it become a ‘variant of concern. along with fears of
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Federal Prison Camps

“MINIMUM” FEDERAL PRISON CAMPS (FPC) vs “MINIMUM” SATELLITE CAMPS There are differences;   Minimum Satellite Camps are adjacent to higher secure facilities. Minimum Federal Prison Camps (FPC) are not, hence usually may have “No” Solitary Confinement or Razorwire. This may result in overall
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Long-COVID In Prison

Long-COVID Kara Gormont, former Chief of Staff for the Defense Health Agency. A year and a half after developing Long-COVID in November 2020, she learned, that the military at the time had no process to deal with it. “I truly felt very abandoned by
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Pregnant Inmates

Whether federal or state, all pregnant inmates have the constitutional right to obtain appropriate medical care. To what extent prison policies address pregnancy-related services is one indicator of how that facility and state or federal agency treat pregnant women in its custody. We
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Pregnant In Federal Prison

A significant percentage of women entering prison are of the age where they’re sexually active, are either at risk for pregnancy, or are already pregnant. Federal – While onsite nurseries are not available, they do have limited offsite programs MINT: Mothers and Infants Together
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Access 2022

Productive Activities (PA) Access 2022 Program Description This program is designed for incarcerated women who are survivors of domestic violence. It assists women in identifying suitable career options to be economically independent upon reentry. An interactive computer component (which can be printed
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